Study Information Sheet for Participants
Exploring transformative learning experiences following a career shock
I would like to invite you to participate in this research project, which is part of my Professional Doctorate in Occupational Psychology degree at Birkbeck, University of London. This project has received ethical approval from Birkbeck. To make an informed decision on whether you want to take part in this study, please take a few minutes to read this information sheet.
Who is conducting this research?
This research is conducted by me, Ioana Parry, a Professional Doctorate in Occupational Psychology student and supervised by Prof Julie Gore and Dr Caroline Kamau, both from Birkbeck, University of London.
What is the purpose of the study?
The purpose of the study is to explore transformative learning experiences in workers who have experienced a career shock to understand shifts in radical career changes or transformations.
Why have I been invited to take part?
I am inviting workers who have experienced a disruptive career shock post-pandemic that has made them question their deeply held assumptions and enabled them to think differently about a potential career transformation.
What are the procedures of taking part?
If you decide to take part, you will be asked to participate in a 1:1 interview via Microsoft Teams lasting up to one hour. I will be using a semi-structured interview format which means that I will be asking a specific set of questions. The questions will cover your recent experience of career shock. Interviews will be conducted via Teams and all information you provide is confidential, data will be kept securely and will not be shared.
Upon completion of your participation, you will be provided with a debrief and can access a summary of the findings, once analysed, by contacting the research team.
If you would like to have the three career coaching sessions (one hour each), you will need to agree that the researcher can keep your email address to organise the coaching sessions via Teams. You will need to agree on this on the Consent Form. Your email will be deleted after the three coaching sessions.
Microsoft Teams Privacy Statement:
What are my participation rights?
Participation in this research guarantees the right to withdraw, to ask questions about how your data will be handled and about the study itself, the right to confidentially and anonymity, the right to refuse to answer questions, to have recording devices turned off and to be given access to a summary of the findings.
What if I want to withdraw my information?
If you wish to withdraw responses or any personal data gathered during the study, you may do this without any consequences. The interview recording will be kept until it is checked against the transcription, when it will be deleted. Your name will not be recorded anywhere.
You can ask for your data to be removed up until the point of analysis, which begins on 30 May 2024. Please contact the researcher, quoting your name.
What will happen to my responses to the study?
Data collected in this study will be analysed and used for a research student dissertation. Data may also be used for academic publications or conference presentations. No identifying information will be released.
This research complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our legal basis for collecting this data is public task and our privacy notices can be viewed at
Will my responses and information be kept confidential?
All information will be treated with the strictest confidence throughout the study. Information that may lead to your identification, such as your name, will not be recorded. All information will be kept in secure folders on a password protected computer, or a secure filing cabinet. The interview recording will be kept until it is checked against the transcription, when it will be deleted. Your name will not be recorded anywhere.
In addition, a fully anonymised version of the dataset may be made available to other researchers through the OSF, an online research data repository.
What are the possible risks to taking part?
There are no risks involved in taking part in this research.
Any further questions?
If you have any questions or require more information about this study before or during your participation, please contact me or my research supervisor.
Ioana Parry
Research Student
Prof Julie Gore and Dr Caroline Kamau and
Research Supervisors,
Department of Organizational Psychology,
Birkbeck, University of London,
Clore Management Building,
Malet Street, Bloomsbury,
For information about Birkbeck’s data protection policy please visit:
If you have concerns about this study, please contact the School’s Ethics Officer at:
School Ethics Officer
School of Business, Economics and Informatics
Birkbeck, University of London
London WC1E 7HX
You also have the right to submit a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office